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Holistic Response to Sexual Assault for Tribal Colleges & University Campuses

Tribal College & University

Campus TTA

Tribal colleges and universities create a space where we learn more about our culture, and gain knowledge on how to create a better, more just world.

Woman reading a book

Red Wind provides training and technical assistance to all tribal colleges and universities developing and/or implementing a holistic response to sexual assault. All of our technical assistance is offered at no charge and includes:


  • 1-to-1 assistance tailored to the needs of your tribal campus

  • National sexual assault conference for Tribal colleges and universities

  • Educational webinars on relevant topics

  • On-site visits providing planning, strategy development, and assistance in developing a holistic and culturally-specific sexual assault response on campus

  • Development of materials to support the Tribal Campus work

Addressing the Prevalance of Sexual Violence on Tribal College Campuses

Tribal colleges and universities are the cornerstone for preserving our tribal communities. While there is some research demonstrating the prevalence and dynamics surrounding sexual violence on college campuses, there is little research on sexual violence within tribal college campuses.

What we do know is our people experience sexual violence at much larger rates than non-Native people (NIJ). We also know that access to traditional practices and life-ways are critical for our healing, and often the most effective means available.

Man doing homework on the computer

“Because of Tribal Colleges, we are no longer one generation away from losing our languages; we are one generation away from saving them.”

John Eagle Shield
(Standing Rock Sioux Tribe)

Native American girl

Tribal colleges and universities are the cornerstone for preserving our tribal communities. While there is some research demonstrating the prevalence and dynamics surrounding sexual violence on college campuses, there is little research on sexual violence within tribal college campuses.
What we do know is our people experience sexual violence at much larger rates than non-Native people (NIJ). We also know that access to traditional practices and life-ways are critical for our healing and is often the most effective means available.

This project was supported by Grant No. 2018-TA-AX-K003 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/ program/ exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Visit our Tribal College Campus Training & Technical Assistance Website

This new website is devoted to Honoring our Spirit by supporting Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in developing a holistic response to sexual assault. Attend educational webinars, access links to relevant experts/websites, download materials, and more.



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